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Safe driving tips for Halloween

On October 31, throngs of witches, zombies and superheroes will be invading the streets and loading up on candy. At Certified Auto Repair, we want to remind motorists to help keep our little ones safe by exercising extreme caution when driving on Halloween.

Precautions to take when driving on Halloween

If you’re forced to drive on Halloween night, you’ll need to be extremely cautious and take extra steps to ensure the safety of the children in your neighbourhood.

It’s important to recognize that kids tend to get a little (read: ridiculously) excited on Halloween. While most children can be counted on to be reasonably cautious when crossing the street, they can easily forget all about road safety while out trick-or-treating. And while some kids may be decked out in flashy colours, just as many get donned in dark-coloured costumes and are difficult to spot at night. In addition, strollers and dogs are often brought along by parents and these may encroach on the roadway. At Certified Auto Repair, we strongly recommend that you take the following precautions if you’re driving on Halloween night:

-Avoid distractions of all kinds (telephone calls, loud music, etc.) so that you can stay wholly concentrated on the road.

-Be patient when people cross the street and expect delays.

-Check your mirrors often and check your blind spots two or three times when making a turn.

-Reduce your speed in order to give yourself more time to react to unexpected situations.

Keeping your little monsters safe

Do you have kids yourself? Are they counting the days to Halloween? If so, and they’re old enough to go trick-or-treating on their own, be sure to convey the following rules:

-Visit the houses on one side of the road, then the other. Don’t go back-and-forth across the street.

-Only cross roads at intersections.

-Only trick-or-treat at decorated homes that have the lights on, and never enter inside a stranger’s home.

-Don’t get into cars belonging to people you don’t know.

-Don’t run when crossing the street: you don’t want to trip and fall in the road.

-Come home at the agreed-upon time.

To have your car serviced or repaired by professionals, make an appointment at an Certified Auto Repair near you. Happy Halloween!

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